The American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Since its founding in 1780, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences has celebrated outstanding achievement in a variety of disciplines from the humanities and arts to math, physics, and biology. The Academy’s members, who are leaders in their fields, work together and with other experts “to cultivate every art and science which may tend to advance the interest, honor, dignity, and happiness of a free, independent, and virtuous people.” The Academy also conducts independent, multidiscplinary, nonpartisan research across multiple areas of inquiry to address the complex problems facing the modern world.

Current IRP scientists elected to the Academy (year of election):

Former IRP scientists elected to the Academy (year of election):

  • Yasmine Belkaid (2020)
  • Wilfrid Rall (2008)
  • Anita Roberts (2005)
  • Leslie Ungerleider (2000)
  • Story Landis (1996)
  • Claude Klee (1995)
  • Vivian Winona Pinn (1994)
  • Martin Rodbell (1993)
  • Anthony Fauci (1991)
  • Baruch Blumberg (1990)
  • Mortimer Mishkin (1989)
  • Thomas A. Waldmann (1989)
  • Thressa Campbell Stadtman (1982)
  • Philip Leder (1981)
  • Sanford Rosenthal (1979)
  • Daniel Carleton Gajdusek (1978)
  • Edward Evarts (1976)
  • James Wyngaarden (1976)
  • Donald Fredrickson (1975)
  • Herbert Sober (1973)
  • DeWitt Stetten, Jr. (1972)
  • Julius Axelrod (1971)
  • Herbert Tabor (1971)
  • Marshall W. Nirenberg (1965)
  • James Shannon (1965)
  • Kenneth Cole (1964)
  • Robert Berliner (1961)
  • Harry Eagle (1960)
  • Seymour Kety (1960)
  • Christian Anfinsen (1958)
  • Ralph Walter Wyckoff (1950)

This page was last updated on Tuesday, April 30, 2024