Our Research

Our research ranges from the study of biomolecular structures at atomic-level resolution to the study of disease patterns in human populations. It reaches from linear DNA sequences to the complex nature of human behavior. Regardless of where our Investigators land on this spectrum, their motivations are the same—to improve human health. We invite you to learn about the people striving to make a difference through their research.
In This Section
Scientific Focus Areas
Read about the disciplines, diseases and approaches that are focal points for research across the IRP.
Principal Investigators
Learn about the people who lead our research projects.
Learn more about the IRP’s scientific accomplishments.
Accelerating Science
Explore the 12 core scientific opportunities identified in the long-term vision for how the IRP will continue to transform basic, translational, and clinical research.
Research in Action
Share in the stories of our researchers and their achievements.
Research Resources
A big part of the NIH IRP’s success in pushing biomedical science forward involves shared access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources.
IRP Review Process
Our Review Process: A Step-by-Step Guide
Commercializing Inventions
Learn how our discoveries become medical advances.
Continue Exploring the IRP
This page was last updated on Monday, January 10, 2022