In NIDDK-NIBIB’s Biomedical and Metabolic Imaging Branch
In 2011, two NIH institutes joined forces to share their expertise and sophisticated imaging tools to advance the understanding of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and other challenging health conditions. They have been running a joint operation called the Biomedical and Metabolic Imaging Branch (BMIB) in the heart of the NIH Clinical Center (Building 10).
It’s been 10 years in the making, but the Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences (FAES) is about to open the doors of its new Academic Center in the Clinical Center (Building 10). As you walk along the corridor between the Masur Auditorium and the Clinical Center’s atrium, you may have noticed the large glass window and the spacious room behind it. That room will soon house the FAES bookstore and a coffee bar. Behind the bookstore is a skylighted terrace big enough to host poster sessions and receptions. Downstairs are eight subdividable classrooms complete with state-of-the-art audiovisual equipment and Internet connections (both Wi-Fi and LAN).
Genetic Mechanisms of Hematopoiesis: An Interview with Paul Liu
Five-year-old reporter Lin Wanjek-Yasutake grilled NHGRI researcher Paul Liu, M.D., Ph.D., over lunch last month to learn how chance led him to study leukemia and how, 20 years onward, he is in preclinical experiments.
Forty years ago, a diagnosis of severe aplastic anemia meant almost certain death. The bone marrow would suddenly stop producing new blood cells—red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Today, however, thanks to the work of NIH scientist Neal Young and others, the survival rate for this rare disease is above 80 percent.
NIH’s Women Postdocs Are Tackling Challenging Diseases
Nipah virus and stroke were featured at a recent seminar that recognized the achievements of two of NIH’s female postdocs: Emmie de Wit and Zhifei Wang, who presented their research at the Women Scientist Advisors (WSA) Scholars Seminar on March 29, 2013.