Careers In Science Series: Introducing Robin Stanley

Just a few decades ago, there weren’t many opportunities for women in science, but thankfully today’s environment is far more welcoming. Robin Stanley, a recently hired NIH Earl Stadtman Investigator, is one young scientist inspired to follow her career path by some of the early female pioneers in her field of research. She is currently head of the Nucleolar Integrity Group at NIEHS.
Previously, as a postdoctoral fellow in the IRP, Robin was awarded a L’Oréal USA for Women in Science fellowship, which played a key role in supporting her early research. Her goal is that one day her research will have a profound effect on people’s health, possibly helping to find better treatments for cancer and heart disease. You can hear directly from Robin about her experiences and career dreams in the video below:
To help other young researchers looking at starting their careers in science, Robin offered to share insights from her own professional journey, in the IRP blog series “Careers in Science.” Remember to visit the blog regularly to read Robin’s tips on everything from preparing for academia to acing the hiring interview.
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This page was last updated on Wednesday, July 5, 2023