Medical Residents Visit NIH

Ellen Crown, CC
Janice Hobbs, chief resident in pediatrics at Saint Christopher’s Hospital for Children in Philadelphia, discusses a poster with an NIH fellow during Resident Research Career Day, October 17, at the Clinical Center.
A dozen second-year residents—in pediatrics, internal medicine, and neurology—from regional academic medical centers—visited the NIH Clinical Center recently at NIH’s first Resident Research Career Day, held on October 17.
“It’s an opportunity to come to the NIH campus to see both the physical plant and to experience the Clinical Center, a 240-bed hospital totally dedicated to clinical research,” said Fred Ognibene, director of the CC’s Office of Clinical Research Training and Medical Education, which organized the event.
“When we go out to academic medical centers [and] they find out that [the Clinical Center] is actually a hospital and that it is a state-of-the-art institution, the eyes get wider and the questions start,” said Robert Lembo, executive director of the CC’s Graduate Medical Education. “Then we’re able to tell them more about the research [and] training opportunities, which often come as big news to them.”
This page was last updated on Monday, May 2, 2022