Photographic Moment
Doing It Right
Dale Lewis (NCI) won first place in the third annual “In-Focus Safe Workplaces for All” photography contest for this image that shows how postdocs Sangmi Lee (left) and Zhong Qian are safely handling radioactive materials. Both are wearing protective face shields, clothing, and gloves while they are disposing of the materials in approved containers. Lewis, who has been at NIH for more than 19 years and has been taking pictures for as long as he can remember, also likes to photograph historic buildings, monuments, animals, flowers, and people. He also won second place in this year’s “In-Focus Safe Workplaces for All” contest for a photo of window washers in action. Sponsored by the Division of Occupational Health and Safety in the Office of Research Services, the contest challenged anyone with a passion for photography to use their imagination and creativity to capture an image of workplace safety and health and share it with the NIH community.
This page was last updated on Wednesday, April 27, 2022