NIH Director's Seminar: Reviving postmortem studies to clarify infectious diseases pathogenesis
Wilson Hall, NIH Building 1; and NIH videocast
The first lecture lecture in the 2024-2025 NIH Director's Seminar Series will be presented by IRP senior investigator Daniel Chertow, M.D., M.P.H.
Autopsies are an indispensable, although underutilized, tool for gleaning insight into human disease pathogenesis and treatment. In this talk, Dr. Chertow will discuss the application of advanced technologies, including quantitative PCR, sequencing, and high-dimensional phenotypic and transcriptomic cellular profiling of postmortem specimens collected from fatal COVID-19 cases. With these tools, Dr. Chertow's research provides novel insights into pathogen distribution, persistence, evolution, and host cellular and transcriptional responses within tissues.
This page was last updated on Thursday, September 5, 2024