Earl Stadtman Investigator Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Q: How many positions are available in this year’s search?
    A: The exact number of slots filled per search cycle varies and is not predetermined. Approximately 10-20 tenure-track positions have been filled through this mechanism each year.
  2. Q: Where will these positions be located (which Institutes, sites)? My work would only be a good fit for one institute and I am pretty sure they do not have any tenure-track positions available. Should I still apply?
    A: All NIH institutes with intramural research programs are eligible to make offers to interviewed candidates from this search. We are anticipating that some Institutes or Centers may pool resources for joint appointments, thus all doctoral-level researchers interested in NIH intramural tenure-track positions are encouraged to apply. For more information about which NIH Institutes and Centers have intramural research programs, where they are located, and the variety of research they conduct see http://irp.nih.gov/about-us/our-programs.
  3. Q: Are these positions centrally funded or funded by specific Institutes or Centers?
    A: Positions will be funded primarily by the hiring Institutes and Centers, individually or in combination. Some central funds are available to assist with the hiring of investigators who have a history of mentoring and outreach activities, especially those involving women and persons from racial/ethnic or other groups that are underrepresented in biomedical research.
  4. Q: Are NIH scientists allowed to apply or is this just for extramural scientists?
    A: NIH intramural scientists and extramural scientists are welcome to apply. Both intramural and extramural scientists have competed effectively for these positions.
  5. Q: Are you looking for researchers in particular fields?
    A: Applicants from any field of research relevant to biomedicine are invited to apply. To facilitate the review process, each applicant is asked to include in the first paragraph of their cover letter one or two scientific areas, from the list in the advertisement. If you do not see an exact match to your research type, indicate the one or two that are closest to what you do. Please note that each group connected by slashes counts as a single research area (e.g., Biochemistry/Proteomics/Metabolomics counts as one research area).
  6. Q: I am “just” a postdoc (or Staff Scientist). Do you have to already be in a tenure-track position to apply?
    A: It is anticipated that postdoctoral fellows will be the major pool of applicants, together with some persons who already hold faculty positions. Postdocs should apply. Staff Scientists and Staff Clinicians are also welcome to apply. Persons from all these categories have been hired through the Stadtman search.
  7. Q: I have tenure at my current institution. Am I eligible to apply?
    A: Yes. However, you must be willing to accept a tenure-track position within the Intramural Research Program.
  8. Q: I was intending to apply for tenure-track positions next year, after I have had more experience and publications. Will NIH be doing an Earl Stadtman Investigator search next year?
    A: It is currently anticipated that this recruitment will be an annual event. We also encourage Stadtman applicants to apply for other appropriate Principal Investigator positions posted at https://irp.nih.gov/careers/faculty-level-scientific-careers.
  9. Q: Are there preferred formats for the Cover letter, CV, Research Plan, and Letters of Recommendation?
    A: Other than parameters stated in the advertisement, there are no preferred formats, however, no individual document can be larger than 5 megabytes and the font should be readable at 100% (e.g., Calibri 11 is an acceptable font). Page limits, when stated, should also be observed. Your cover letter must include in the first paragraph one or two (no more than 2) research areas from the list in the ad, and a clearly labelled section describing your past, present and/or planned activities to promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in biomedical research. For more information about NIH’s interest in diversity see https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-20-031.html. Your C.V. should include your academic or medical degrees, research experience, patents, relevant awards, a complete bibliography, and a description of your leadership, mentoring and outreach activities, especially those involving women and persons from racial/ethnic or other groups that are underrepresented in biomedical research. In the four-page Research Plan, you should outline the research you hope to perform at the NIH in the next five years, and its innovative nature, as well as your long-term (20 year) vision for what you hope to achieve for yourself, your field, and society, as well as a description of your mentoring philosophy. References do not count towards the page limit. You should provide background on the problem(s) you wish to study, why it is an important problem, and details on what approaches and methods you would use to move your field forward, along with what makes you qualified to do this work. Be clear about what elements are immediate plans and which represent your longer-term vision. For example, describe the pathway from your research to the treatment or prevention of a disease 20 years from now. Also include a description of your mentoring philosophy. Letters of recommendation should reflect your ability to run an independent research group as well as your potential to become a world leader in your field of interest.
  10. Q: How should I have letters of recommendation sent to the website?
    A: At the application website, you will be asked to submit contact information for your references, including e-mail addresses. An e-mail will then be sent to each recommender automatically, with instructions. Please note that these automated e-mails sometimes end up in junk mail boxes, so you should alert your references when you submit your application.
  11. Q: Can one send in more than three letters of recommendation?
    A: No. Therefore, you should verify the contact information, especially the e-mail address of each recommender, before submitting your application.
  12. Q: To whom should the cover letter and letters of recommendation be addressed?
    A: Stadtman Investigators Search Committee.
  13. Q: I do not see the application website in the ad. Where can I find it?
    A: We expect to post the link for uploading application materials in August. It will be inserted into the Stadtman ad at https://irp.nih.gov/careers/faculty-level-scientific-careers when it is ready to accept applications.
  14. Q: Will these positions be independent?
    A: All tenure-track positions at the NIH are Independent Investigator positions with well-defined resources assigned by the Institute or Center’s Scientific Director. For a description of the NIH tenure-track see https://oir.nih.gov/sourcebook/tenure-nih-intramural-research-program/tenure-track-overview.
  15. Q: Who are some of the investigators who have been hired through this search?
    A: To see profiles of Stadtman Investigators, please visit the NIH Catalyst website and enter the search term "Stadtman Investigators".
  16. Q: I applied to this search last year and I was not offered a position. Should I try again this year?
    A: Yes, especially if you have additional scientific accomplishments. Many Stadtman Investigators had applied in previous years.
  17. Q: Is there a website that shows what traits NIH seeks in tenure-track investigators?
    A: Please see the video at https://nih.zoomgov.com/rec/share/uQzCSc2IFEmVyfYqW7v8uzjCsqNIDy-07XvQ7adCB8vAatinvxUVpQ_Zm6d8QCR1.BVIBXreG2VGRyTH5 [passcode: Wuq&Mtf9] for more information about tenure-track positions at NIH. Please note that this presentation is from 2023, so there have been some procedural changes, but the basic review criteria have not changed.
  18. Q: Is this the only tenure-track search conducted by the NIH Intramural Research Program?
    A: No. Other Principal Investigator searches may be found at http://irp.nih.gov/careers/faculty-level-scientific-careers.

This page was last updated on Tuesday, July 9, 2024