Quan Wang, Ph.D.

Stadtman Investigator

Section of Nanoscale Single-Molecule Dynamics, Laboratory of Chemical Physics


Building NIHBC 05, Room 132
5 Memorial Dr
Bethesda, MD 20892

+1 301 827 2939


Research Topics

We are currently developing new and improved methods that expand the capability of single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy in solution. Building on a platform technology known as anti-Brownian Electrokinetic (ABEL) trapping to control a single biomolecule in solution, we simultaneously measure single-molecular size, charge (Nat. Methods 11, 555) and conformations (Nat. Methods 18, 816), together with their time-dependent dynamics in real time. These capabilities provide rich quantitative information on the oligomerization, phosphorylation and structural states and state transitions on a single biomolecule, and serve as a unique observation window into a wide range of biological processes.

Many scientific topics are being studied using our advanced single-molecule techniques, including nucleotide-dependent assembly/disassembly dynamics of multimeric enzymes, conformation change upon complex formation, biophysical impact of phosphorylation, dilute-phase molecular organization of biological liquid condensates. We gain biophysical insights by directly monitoring these processes at the single-molecule level, which has many advantages compared to traditional ensemble-level assays.

We are always looking for enthusiastic and motivated people. Learn about open positions in our lab at the postdoc, graduate student, and postbac levels.


  • Lewis-Sigler Experimental Fellow, Princeton University, 2016-2021
  • Ph.D., Stanford University, 2015
  • M.S., University of New Mexico, 2007
  • B.S., University of Science and Technology of China, 2005

Selected Publications

  1. Wilson H, Wang Q. ABEL-FRET: tether-free single-molecule FRET with hydrodynamic profiling. Nat Methods. 2021;18(7):816-820.
  2. Wilson H, Wang Q. Joint Detection of Change Points in Multichannel Single-Molecule Measurements. J Phys Chem B. 2021;125(49):13425-13435.
  3. He G, GrandPre T, Wilson H, Zhang Y, Jonikas MC, Wingreen NS, Wang Q. Phase-separating pyrenoid proteins form complexes in the dilute phase. Commun Biol. 2023;6(1):19.

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