Manfred Boehm, M.D.

Senior Investigator

Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine


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Bethesda, MD 20814
United States


Research Topics

The Laboratory of Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine has established the Patient-Centered Vascular Translational Program to conduct research on clinically relevant questions focused on vascular injury, remodeling and repair, and to translate research findings into the development of new therapeutic strategies.

The aims of the Vascular Translational Program align with the principles of precision medicine, investigating how individual variations in genes, environment, and lifestyle contribute to vascular disease. This program was designed to link high-throughput sequencing data with molecular disease mechanisms to facilitate the development of targeted therapies and through this program, we have already successfully identified the genetic cause and/or underlying mechanism of a variety of rare diseases. We are particularly interested in investigating the mechanisms of vascular remodeling triggered by injury or other perturbations such as dysregulated homeostasis, inflammation, calcification or endothelial dysfunction. We believe that improving our understanding of these processes will help us find solutions for disease mitigation and restoring the balance of the relevant biological processes.

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Manfred Boehm received his M.D. in 1993 from the University of Heidelberg, Germany and did his residency in internal medicine at the Franz-Volhard-Clinic, Berlin. Before arriving at the NIH and NHLBI, he was a research fellow at the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin from 1996 to 1997, and the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor from 1997 to 1999. He joined NHLBI as a research fellow in 1999 and has been an Investigator since 2003. Dr. Boehm received a Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences Award for Research Excellence from the NIH. He was also the recipient the NHLBI Science Awards in 2015 for his team’s research on rare inherited vascular diseases in children. Since 2018, Dr. Boehm has been the Branch Chief of the NHLBI Translational Vascular Medicine Branch, which focuses on studying vascular disease mechanisms to develop novel treatment strategies to better serve our patients with vascular diseases through genomic and molecular high throughput approaches to help understand diseases processes in common and rare inherited disease populations.

Selected Publications

  1. St Hilaire C, Ziegler SG, Markello TC, Brusco A, Groden C, Gill F, Carlson-Donohoe H, Lederman RJ, Chen MY, Yang D, Siegenthaler MP, Arduino C, Mancini C, Freudenthal B, Stanescu HC, Zdebik AA, Chaganti RK, Nussbaum RL, Kleta R, Gahl WA, Boehm M. NT5E mutations and arterial calcifications. N Engl J Med. 2011;364(5):432-42.
  2. Zhou Q, Yang D, Ombrello AK, Zavialov AV, Toro C, Zavialov AV, Stone DL, Chae JJ, Rosenzweig SD, Bishop K, Barron KS, Kuehn HS, Hoffmann P, Negro A, Tsai WL, Cowen EW, Pei W, Milner JD, Silvin C, Heller T, Chin DT, Patronas NJ, Barber JS, Lee CC, Wood GM, Ling A, Kelly SJ, Kleiner DE, Mullikin JC, Ganson NJ, Kong HH, Hambleton S, Candotti F, Quezado MM, Calvo KR, Alao H, Barham BK, Jones A, Meschia JF, Worrall BB, Kasner SE, Rich SS, Goldbach-Mansky R, Abinun M, Chalom E, Gotte AC, Punaro M, Pascual V, Verbsky JW, Torgerson TR, Singer NG, Gershon TR, Ozen S, Karadag O, Fleisher TA, Remmers EF, Burgess SM, Moir SL, Gadina M, Sood R, Hershfield MS, Boehm M, Kastner DL, Aksentijevich I. Early-onset stroke and vasculopathy associated with mutations in ADA2. N Engl J Med. 2014;370(10):911-20.
  3. Liu Y, Jesus AA, Marrero B, Yang D, Ramsey SE, Sanchez GAM, Tenbrock K, Wittkowski H, Jones OY, Kuehn HS, Lee CR, DiMattia MA, Cowen EW, Gonzalez B, Palmer I, DiGiovanna JJ, Biancotto A, Kim H, Tsai WL, Trier AM, Huang Y, Stone DL, Hill S, Kim HJ, St Hilaire C, Gurprasad S, Plass N, Chapelle D, Horkayne-Szakaly I, Foell D, Barysenka A, Candotti F, Holland SM, Hughes JD, Mehmet H, Issekutz AC, Raffeld M, McElwee J, Fontana JR, Minniti CP, Moir S, Kastner DL, Gadina M, Steven AC, Wingfield PT, Brooks SR, Rosenzweig SD, Fleisher TA, Deng Z, Boehm M, Paller AS, Goldbach-Mansky R. Activated STING in a vascular and pulmonary syndrome. N Engl J Med. 2014;371(6):507-518.
  4. Dmitrieva NI, Walts AD, Nguyen DP, Grubb A, Zhang X, Wang X, Ping X, Jin H, Yu Z, Yu ZX, Yang D, Schwartzbeck R, Dalgard CL, Kozel BA, Levin MD, Knutsen RH, Liu D, Milner JD, López DB, O'Connell MP, Lee CR, Myles IA, Hsu AP, Freeman AF, Holland SM, Chen G, Boehm M. Impaired angiogenesis and extracellular matrix metabolism in autosomal-dominant hyper-IgE syndrome. J Clin Invest. 2020;130(8):4167-4181.
  5. Cooley BC, Nevado J, Mellad J, Yang D, St Hilaire C, Negro A, Fang F, Chen G, San H, Walts AD, Schwartzbeck RL, Taylor B, Lanzer JD, Wragg A, Elagha A, Beltran LE, Berry C, Feil R, Virmani R, Ladich E, Kovacic JC, Boehm M. TGF-β signaling mediates endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EndMT) during vein graft remodeling. Sci Transl Med. 2014;6(227):227ra34.

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