Research Topics
I lead the Care Health and Reasoning Machines lab to advance machine learning methods in clinical data science. Our lab focuses on improving clinical prediction in internal medicine and critical care settings, with applications in opioid abuse, sepsis, and COVID-19. We develop longitudinal models to analyze electronic health records as their collection mechanisms necessitate advanced analytics for appropriate use and interpretation.
Our lab advances improving and validating risk scores, individualizing treatment recommendations, and promoting analytics-based medicine. My work on survival models from observational, longitudinal data have been included in leading machine learning and medical informatics publications from Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, the American Medical Informatics Association, and the Journal of the American Medical Association. I also review manuscripts across machine learning and clinical venues with top reviewer awards at NeurIPS and the Annals of Internal Medicine.
Selected Publications
- Frattallone-Llado G, Kim J, Cheng C, Salazar D, Edakalavan S, Weiss JC. Using Multimodal Data to Improve Precision of Inpatient Event Timelines. Adv Knowl Discov Data Min. 2024;14648:322-334.
- Chen GH, Li L, Zuo R, Coston A, Weiss JC. Neural topic models with survival supervision: Jointly predicting time-to-event outcomes and learning how clinical features relate. Artif Intell Med. 2024;154:102898.
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This page was last updated on Saturday, September 7, 2024