Research Topics
The laboratory of neuronal circuitry (1) investigates the communication between neurons of the auditory system; (2) employs electrophysiology and optical techniques in in vitro preparations to study synaptic transmission between neurons; (3) integrates knowledge of neuronal synaptic inputs with electrical properties to determine the functional properties of neurons of the auditory system; (4) extends knowledge gained from in vitro brain and cochlea preparations to animal models including models of acoustic trauma; and (5) seeks to understand how the interplay between auditory neuronal pathways shapes acoustic perception in both the normal and damaged auditory system.
Dr. Weisz received a B.S. degree in neurobiology from Cornell University, a M.S. in biotechnology from Johns Hopkins University, and a Ph.D. in neuroscience from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Her graduate work involved studies of synaptic inputs and electrical properties of cochlear type II spiral ganglion afferent neurons in the laboratories of Dr. Paul Fuchs and Dr. Elisabeth Glowatzki. Post-doctoral work in the laboratory of Dr. Karl Kandler at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine investigated the development of circuits between brainstem neurons involved in sound localization. In 2015, Dr. Weisz moved to the NIDCD, where she became Acting Chief of the Section on Neuronal Circuitry. Dr. Weisz’s laboratory investigates the synaptic transmission and electrical properties of descending neuronal circuitry in the auditory brainstem and cochlea.
Selected Publications
- Fischl M, Pederson A, Voglewede R, Cheng H, Drew J, Torres Cadenas L, Weisz CJC. Fast Inhibition Slows and Desynchronizes Mouse Auditory Efferent Neuron Activity. J Neurosci. 2024;44(33).
- Kitcher SR, Pederson AM, Weisz CJC. Diverse identities and sites of action of cochlear neurotransmitters. Hear Res. 2022;419:108278.
- Torres Cadenas L, Cheng H, Weisz CJC. Synaptic plasticity of inhibitory synapses onto medial olivocochlear efferent neurons. J Physiol. 2022;600(11):2747-2763.
- Weisz CJC, Williams SG, Eckard CS, Divito CB, Ferreira DW, Fantetti KN, Dettwyler SA, Cai HM, Rubio ME, Kandler K, Seal RP. Outer Hair Cell Glutamate Signaling through Type II Spiral Ganglion Afferents Activates Neurons in the Cochlear Nucleus in Response to Nondamaging Sounds. J Neurosci. 2021;41(13):2930-2943.
- Torres Cadenas L, Fischl MJ, Weisz CJC. Synaptic Inhibition of Medial Olivocochlear Efferent Neurons by Neurons of the Medial Nucleus of the Trapezoid Body. J Neurosci. 2020;40(3):509-525.
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