NIH World AIDS Day Event 2024: Progress, Innovation, and Impact in HIV Research
to (registration required)

To mark the 2024 World AIDS Day observance, NIH will convene a panel of distinguished experts to discuss progress, innovation, and impact in HIV research.
Decades of investment have led to incredible progress in HIV research:
- Recent transformational discoveries are changing how we address HIV prevention and treatment, including a new medication that prevents HIV transmission and the development of novel strategies to encourage HIV testing and treatment.
- Thanks to innovations in service delivery, scientists are identifying creative ways to ensure equitable access to effective interventions, particularly for individuals and communities disproportionately affected by HIV.
But many structural and social factors continue to impede access, reach, and adoption of effective prevention and treatment strategies. Considerable work remains if we are to reach the communities and people most in need across the United States and around the world. As we celebrate breakthroughs in HIV research, we must accelerate scientific progress and ensure that those with, and affected by, HIV have the chance to inform future studies, participate in research, and experience the life-changing impact of research innovations.
Join NIH for this live virtual event and public question and answer session. Registration is required. Submit questions before the event to, or during the event via the Zoom platform.
This page was last updated on Tuesday, November 26, 2024