National Conference on Alcohol and Other Substance Use in Women and Girls
to (registration required)
This online scientific conference will review key findings from current research on the causes, consequences, prevention, and treatment of harmful alcohol, opioid, and other substance use among women and girls, and best approaches to sustaining recovery. The overarching goal of the conference is to identify important directions for future research on harmful alcohol and opioid use among women and girls, and to highlight strategies that are already working to address these problems, with the goal of replicating and bringing effective interventions to population scale. In addition, the conference will provide a platform for the development of a coordinated public-private response to recent alarming trends in harmful substance use among women. Equally important is the opportunity to provide a setting where stakeholders from diverse professional backgrounds and communities can be energized and motivated to start new collaborations and to strengthen existing ones. A key cross-cutting theme will be eliminating the health effects of discrimination based on race, sex, and other historically marginalized identities.
The conference is hosted by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) and the Interagency Work Group on Drinking and Drug Use in Women and Girls. It is free of charge and open to the public.
This page was last updated on Wednesday, October 12, 2022